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Boost Your Earnings This Summer - Get the best of both worlds with MT4’s bonuses and MT5’s low spreads!

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Boost Your Earnings This Summer - Get the best of both worlds with MT4’s bonuses and MT5’s low spreads!

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Legal Policies

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy


Dollars Markets is committed to providing transparent and secure trading services, adhering to all legal and regulatory requirements intended to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing. This Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy outlines the procedures and mechanisms Dollars Markets employs to detect, prevent, and report activities that may involve money laundering or other financial crimes.

Policy Statement

Dollars Markets strictly prohibits and actively prevents money laundering and any activity that facilitates money laundering or the funding of terrorist or criminal activities. We are committed to implementing and maintaining a robust AML compliance program that fulfills the requirements set out by financial regulators and international AML principles.

Customer Identification Program (CIP)

Verification of Identity: All new clients must undergo a verification process that includes validating their identity through reliable, independent source documents, data, or information (e.g., national ID, passport, driving license).

Due Diligence: Enhanced due diligence will be performed on customers exhibiting a higher risk, such as those located in high-risk jurisdictions.

Monitoring and Reporting of Suspicious Activities

Continuous Surveillance: We monitor all transactions for suspicious activity. This includes, but is not limited to, monitoring for large transactions and transactions that are inconsistent with a customer’s historical profile.

Reporting Obligations: If any financial activity is suspected of being linked to money laundering, it will be reported immediately to the relevant authorities without notification to the customer.

Record Keeping: Transactions will be kept in records for a minimum period as required by law. These records will include customer identification information, account files, and business correspondence.

Risk Management

Risk Assessment: The company will regularly assess the risk of potential money laundering and terrorism financing activities within its customer base and its operations.

Control Measures: We implement control measures to prevent or mitigate identified risks, such as restricting transactions from high-risk jurisdictions.

Training and Awareness: All employees of Dollars Markets are required to undergo training on AML regulations and policies as part of their induction and periodically thereafter to ensure they are aware of their responsibilities under these policies.

Compliance Officer

Dollars Markets has a designated Compliance Officer who is responsible for the oversight of the AML compliance program, including policy implementation, monitoring, and review of AML measures.

Review and Audit

This policy will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure it meets the requirements dictated by changes in legislation or guidance from regulatory bodies. An internal audit of the AML practices and procedures is carried out annually to ensure compliance.


Dollars Markets is committed to the highest standards of AML compliance and expects all employees, consultants, and business partners to adhere to these standards in preventing the misuse of its products and services for money laundering purposes.

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